Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/69

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The Roscius of Rotterdam is an Englishman of the name of Bingley; but I could not discover in his performances any thing to justify the general partiality in his favour: he is, however, an actor of discrimination, and possesses some powers of conception: his delineation of grief is a chaste and accurate performance. The amusements of the theatre generally terminate with a ballet, which is performed by young persons; and these spectacles, with the assistance of good scenery and cheerful music, are lively and agreeable representations. Adjoining to the theatre is a room where refreshments are to be sold, and here the lovers of tobacco resort to smoke their pipes between the acts of the performance. It is highly to the credit of the morals of the place, that the ear or eye of modesty is not offended by the presence of a single prostitute at the theatre: they are not excluded by any orders of the police or the interposition of the managers, but the public sense of decency and chastity prohibits their appearance. The number of unfortunate women of this description, who frequent the