Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/11

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HITHERTO he has been reluctant as to the publishing it, and partly on Account of his Years, for it was long since finished, and partly in hopes of Reformation; but now, despairing of Amendment, grown OLD, and out of the reach of Scandal, and of all the Pretences to it; Sincerely aiming at the Reformation of the Guilty, and despising all unjust Reproaches from a vitious Age, he closes his Days with this Satyr; which he is so far from seeing Cause to be ashamed of, that he hopes he shall not, where he is going to, Account for it.

AT least, he can Appeal to that Judge, who he is soon to come before, that as he has done it with an upright Intention, for the good of Mankind, so he has used his utmost Endeavour to perform it, in a Manner the least liable to Reflection, and, in his Judgment, the mostlikely