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is upon him; in short, every time he says, I Will, 'tis the same thing, pardon the Expression, as to say, BY GOD I WILL. He that takes this solemn Oath, without being sure he can sincerely love the Woman, and so perform the Oath, must be a Knave, he cannot be an honest Man; And how can he be certain, if he did not really and sincerely love her before? I think the Case is plain, and answers for it self

Again, take the Woman's Obligation; her Answers are the same to Questions not much differing; and when the Questions are summ'd up, (I need not repeat them here) she answers, and says, or, if you will, she answers and wears, as above,

I Will.

You will! What will you do, Madam? Will you live with a Man, and lie with a Man you don't love? As I said before, that such a Lady must be a Fool, I say now 'tis worse; 'tis but a kind of legal Prostitution, in the plain English of it, too gross and wicked to express. We must not say she is a Whore, because the Law makes it a literal Contract and Marriage. But God forbid I should ever say 'twill pass for Matrimony in Heaven; the young Lady, in short, is willing, or has a mind, or desires, (call it what you please) to lie with a Man; and she takes a Fellow that is just in the same Condition, under the Influence of some lewd Appetite, and he desires to lie with a Woman. They are both willing to gratify their vitious Part in the formality of a legal Appointment, and so they agree to marry in form, and they are called Man and Wife; as such she throws off the Mask of Modesty, goes into the naked Bed to him, orsuffers