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Lady. I cannot understand your Niceties; I would not be with Child, that's all; there's no harm in that, I hope.

Cou. That is not all the Case, Child; though I do not grant that there is no harm. Now you have, as I said, married a Man, and he, no doubt, desires and expects Children by you.

Lady. Yes, Mr. C—— is mighty desirous to have Children.

Cou. And what do ye think he would say to, or think of you, if he knew you would be taking Physick, to prevent your being with Child.

Lady. He would be very angry, I believe indeed, very angry.

Cou. Ay, and have very ill Thoughts of you, I venture to say that to you, Child; therefore be cautious, and act very warily in what you do.

Lady. Well, Cousin, and so I will, but that is not the Case, I don't fear his knowing it; but as to what you were saying before.

Cou. Why, as I said before, I say again, your taking Physick before-hand to prevent your being with Child is wilful Murther, as essentially and as effectually, as your destroying the Child after it was formed in your Womb.

Lady. How can that be? when there is nothing to destroy, I can destroy nothing.

Cou. The Difference, as I said before, lies only in the degree; for Example.

Lady. Ay, pray let me have an Example; for I do not reach it indeed.

Cou. Why thus; you was with Mr. ——— your Husband last Night; I'll suppose then, that if you do nothing to injure it, and though youwere