Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/162

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within you, when you know how I urged you against it so earnestly, and told you 'twas wilful Murther?

Lady. Well, but you did give me the Directions.

Cou. Ay, ay, let any Physician see it; I'll appeal to the best of them; I gave it you to put a Stop to your doing worse, and for nothing else.

Lady. And could it do me no harm?

Cou. No, I'll answer for it, if you took nothing but what I directed.

Lady. Nay, I neither added or diminished, I can assure you.

Cou. Then let any Body shew the Receipt to the Doctor, and I'll stand by it, that as I gave it you to be rid of your importunate wicked Design, so I gave it you to prevent your taking something worse of some Body else.

Lady. Oh! Cousin, if that could be made out, I wifh Mr. ——— knew it, for he is disobliged so by it, that I believe he will never be reconciled to me; I believe he will expose me for it, and we shall separate about it[1].

Cou. It is a lamentable Story indeed, Cousin, and Things have been very ill managed among you.

Lady. But, dear Cousin, what shall I do? Are you so sure of what you say, that I may depend upon it I have received no Damage?

Cou. I will go to any Physician with you, and convince you.


  1. Here she tells the whole Story of her Deliriums, and of her Husband's being told of it, as before.