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of using dangerous Medicines from Quacks, and unpractised, unacquainted Hands; I say, the Spanish Proverb, (viz.)

Let the Cure he wrought, though the Devil be the Doctor.

Now this is an Example flagrant, and, as I said, notorious, her Practice comes up to the heighth of it, or else she is less a Devil than she pretends to be, and boasts of being much wickeder than she really is; in which Case, I must own my self to be of the Opinion of the learned and witty Dr. Fuller, viz. that he that openly professes to be wickeder than he really is in fact, is really and essentially, whether in fact or no, as wicked as he professes to be.

But, not to dispute with this She-murtherer, for it is not my Business here to decide either of her Questions, Either when the Soul is infused into the Embrio in the Womb of her that is with Child, or whether it is less criminal to destroy one than the other; I say, not to dispute with a Murtherer, I am to go on with the Relation, viz. that she professes the lawfulness, and owns she practises it, though not the last so freely as the first. Let us enter a little into the Circumstances and Character of a Woman that does thus; that the Picture being set in a fair View, those whose Blood is less inflamed with the Rage of Hell, may look a little before them, and consider, before they act the inhuman Part with themselves, what they are doing or going to do, and what they may reasonably suppose to be the Consequence.
