Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/169

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'No. 2. If she is quick with Child, and desires to miscarry, take two Papers of the Powder here enclosed. Night and Morning, infused in the Draught contained in the Bottle ———; taking it twice, shall bring away the Conception.

'No. 3. If the Party be a Man, and he would have the Child the Woman goes with preserved against her Will, let her take the Decoction here directed every Morning for three Weeks, and one of the Pills every Night; but when her Travail approaches, leave off the Decoction, and let her take three of the Pills, the Child shall certainly be brought into the World alive, though it may be some danger to the Mother.

That was, in short, he would kill the Woman, and save the Child.

There were likewise Recipe's with these Directions: If the Party only fears she is with Child, but is not certain, take these Powders Night and Morning, as directed, her Fears shall be over in four times taking.

If the Party is not with Child, and would not conceive, take one Paper of the Powders in a Glass of warm Ale, every Morning after the Man has been with her, and she shall be out of danger.

I need give no Vouchers for this Account; there are People still living, who sent several poor Servants to him, pretending this or that Part to be their Case, and craving his learned Advice, and so have had his hellish Preparations, and given him his Fee or Rate for them,and