Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/180

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Of being Over-rul'd by Perswasion, Interest, Influence of Friends, Force, and the like, to take the Person they have no Love for, and forsake the Person they really lov'd.

THE Subject of this Chapter is very particular, and the Effects of it sometimes very dismal; one would think it was hardly to be named among Christians, that in a Country where we pretend so much to personal, as well as national Liberty, any such Violences could be offered, or at least be suffered.

As Matrimony should be the Effect of a free and previous Choice in the Persons marrying, so the breaking in by Violence upon the Choice and Affection of the Parties, I take to be the worst kind of Rape; whether the Violence be the Violence of Perswasion or of Authority; I mean, such as that of Paternal Authority, or otherwise; for as to legal Authority, there is nothing of that can interpose in it; the Laws leave it where it ought to be left, and the Laws of Matriinony, in particular, leave it all upon theChoice