Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/19

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Hence Modesty is become a Virtue in it self, and, if it be not literally and expressly all that is understood by the Word Virtue, 'tis Virtue's compleat Representative, its true Image, and they are as inseparable as the Gold and the Glistering.

The Object of Modesty respects three Things.

1. Modesty in Discourse.

2. Modesty in Behaviour.

3. Modesty in regard to Sexes.

1. By Modesty in Discourse I think I must of Necessity be understood, a Decency of Expression; particularly, as our Discourse relates to Actions or Things (whether necessary or accidental) that are and ought to be Matters of Secresy, Things which are to be spoken of with reserve, and in Terms that may give no offence to the chaste Ears and Minds of others, and yet perhaps are of Necessity to be spoken to. Indeed such Things, with respect to Decency, ought never to be spoken of at all, but when Necessity urges; and it were to be wished, that in a Christian and Modest Nation, where the Laws of Decency are expressly admitted as Rules of Life, all immodest Discourses were decry'd by universal Custom; and especially that Printing and Publishing such Things as are not to be read with the like Decency, were effectually suppress'd. But as I have made that Subject a Part of this Work, I say no more of it here.

2. By Modesty in Behaviour, I understand that which we call Decorum, Distance and Deference in Conversation, chiefly as it respects the Distinction of Qualities in the Persons
