Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/226

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I think, all should do that expect to enjoy in Person.

How happy is it, and how good has Providence been, in directing human Affairs, that Matrimonial Love is a common Blessing! that the most perfect Enjoyment, and that which alone compleats all Enjoyments, and finishes the Happiness of Life, is an Enclosure laid open by the merciful Disposition of Heaven, for all his Creatures to share of; and the meanest honest Man, who is not press'd with Poverty, is oftentimes as compleatly happy, and always as capable of being so, as the greatest Prince, I mean, as to his conjugal Happiness.

Suitable Society is a heavenly Life. Take a view of Family Disorders; Houshold Strife and Contention, and join but to these the Matrimonial Vices I speak of, and you make the House a Hell, where Rage and Crime constitute the Place, and where the Flame burns without consuming, though not without encreasing; and where the Offences encrease the Punishment, and the Punishment encreases the Offence. But we must proceed.