Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/266

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Of marrying with Inequality of Blood.

Inequality of Blood: This is an Article in Matrimony which they, who would be thought to expect any Felicity in a married Life, ought very carefully to avoid, especially if it relates to Families also. How scandalously have I known a Lady treated in a Family, though her Fortune has been the very raising, or at least, restoring the Circumstances of the Person who has taken her, only because she has been beneath them in Degree? That he has not been of noble Blood, or of what they call an antient Family; that she has not been what they call a Gentlewoman, and yet they have not found any Defect either in her Education or Behaviour? How has she been scorned by the Relations, and the Title been hardly granted her, which the Lord of Necessity gives her? And all because of what they call Mechanick Original. Again, Sir G—— W—— has married a Lady out of a noble Family. Sir G—— is Master of a vast Fortune, has about seven thousand Pounds a Year Estate, and Cash enough in ready Money to purchase as much more. But, alas! he is of no Family, his Father was a Citizen, and purchased a Coat of Arms with his Money, but hardly can tell who his Grandfatherwas;