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with Child, and the proper Father of the Child marries the Woman within two Years after its Birth, the Child shall be legitimate.

Now supposing this to be so; 'tis to be observed,

1. That this was nothing but a Custom, in favour of the poor innocent Child, whose Hardship was great, in suffering the Reproach of a Crime it was no Way concern'd in.

2. That this was only a Custom in that barbarous Corner, and before the People there had received the Christian Religion, or were civilized under a regular Government.

3. That it is not allowed so at this time, since the Christian Religion is received, and have been reformed, no not in that Country.

The Advocates for it are therefore beaten from all their Defences; and they can find the Practice no where justified, no where continued. All they have left for it now is, that they will not have it be Criminal in the Sight of Heaven, no Breach upon Conscience; in a word, no Sin: And if this can be obtained, the Practice has but one Obstruction more to remove, in order to make it general, and that is, the risque the Woman runs, from the Weakness of the Obligation of Honour, and from the Men's making light of the Promise, after they have obtained the favour on her Side.

Hence it seems the strongest tye upon Modern Virtue, is the regard to Safety; and the Women pay a greater Homage to that Security than to the Duty; to their Interest than to their Virtue; to their Alimony than to their Conscience; and to their Prosperity than totheir