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casions of the Crime. Certainly high feeding is the Original of high Vices, and brings the worst Inconveniences of this kind upon the Man. Hence Fastings were introduced in the primitive Churches, and Mortifications, in order to bring under the Body, and bring the Flesh into Subjection, and they are practis'd among the most devout of the Popish Recluses to this time, in order to enable them to restrain natural Inclination, and they do find them effectual; the abating the quantity of Animal Food, the pungent Particles of which sharpen the Blood, press upon the Nerves, and give an ungoverned Vigour to the Spirits, is certainly the Way, and an effectual Way to reduce the Corruptions to the Government both of Reason and Religion.

If this Devil cannot be cast out but by Prayer and Fasting, then Prayer and Fasting must be practis'd; for the Evil Spirit must be cast out, and the strong Man must be dispossess'd.

Nor is it necessary upon a religious Account only, and to reduce us to the Rank of Christians; but indeed, 'tis necessary in the Case before us, to bring us to a due Exercise of our Reason, and to act like Men, that we may not live like human Beasts, without all Government, and without any Subjection to the Dominion of our Reason.

This then is the true Way to take off that pitious Plea, (viz.) That they cannot restrain themselves. To act reasonably would be to restrain our selves; and those that really cannot so restrain themselves, grant, that they have not the exercise of their Reason. If due Mortifications were practised, the difficulty of restraining themselves would be taken away; inthe