Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/337

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same; he is a Voluntier in both, a willing Servant to the Devil, and desires not to be delivered from the pleasing necessity.

I am the longer upon it here, as I said before, because indeed 'tis the same thing in all the other wicked things I have mentioned in this Work. Whence comes all the indecent lawful Things we have been talking of, but from this Sin of Sodom, (viz.) Fulness of Bread? while the Stomach is gorged with animal Food, of which no Nation in the World feeds like us; while the Blood is filled with these pungent Particles, and the Veins swelled with animal Spirits, no wonder the seminal Vessels are over full, and summon the Man to a Dismission or Evacuation, even at the Price of his Virtue, of his Conscience, and of his Reason.

Let them that are truly desirous to prevent this unhappy eruption of Consequences, begin in the right Place; abate the first Mischief; let them remove the causing Evil, and the consequent Evil will die of course.

A Mortification of the Palate would be an effectual Reformation upon the Life; by a due Regimen of Diet we might bring our selves to be a reformed regular Nation; and I see no other Way ever to bring it to pass.

We are ruined in our Morals by lawful Things; the Excesses in our lawful Enjoyments make them criminal; even our needful Supplies of Life are the ruin of Life. We not only dig our Graves with our Teeth, by mingling our Diseases with our Food, nourishing Distemper and Life together, but we even eat our Way into Eternity, and damn our Souls with our Teeth; gnawing our Way through the Doors of the Devil's Castlewith