Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/363

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Nothing that I know of, at least nothing of the Kind, can be a worse Blot upon the Character of a Christian, than this of an unbounded, ungoverned Sensuality, and of doing scandalous Things from such a vile Principle. The Man himself, or the Woman either, will be as much ashamed of it, and as much reproach themselves afterwards as any Body else, unless the Crime it self hardens them against Shame.

Captain ——H——, was a noted Offender of this kind, he was a Commander of a good Ship, and his Name is now a standing Precedent, both of the Crime I am speaking of, and the Penitence; he buried a virtuous, sober, beautiful Wife, and with a Face of unconcerned Levity, looks immediately round him for another, even before his first Wife was buried. As the Thought was surprizing and impudent, so he could not expect any Woman of Modesty would talk with him upon that Subject, and as he found he was abhorr'd and scorn'd upon the very mention of it, he seeks out where he thought he should not be refused, and that Way he answered his wicked Design immediately; for he married in two Days after his Wife was buried.

In an ill Hour, pursuing his vitious Appetite, he singles out a Woman, Fool as I was, (said he afterwards). What need I have ask'd her to marry? If it had been't'other Question, I need not have fear'd a Denial.

In a word, he marry'd her, lov'd her, lay with her, and hated her, and all within the compass of a Fortnight; in another Fortnight he went to Sea and left her, and, in two Months more, was cast away, drown'd, and saw her nomore;