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be a physical Reason given why Nature may be riper in one Part of the World than in another, and in some People sooner than in others; as it is evident the Season for the production of the same Fruits differ in one Place, and in one Country from another, the Vintage and the Corn-harvest, differ in one Country from another; here they gather in August, there in October, and it may be the like in other Things, and in Men and Women, as well as in other Creatures, for, as I said, the vegetative Life obeys the Law of Nature in them, as well as in Plants and Trees.

But 'tis enough that this is not the Custom in our Country, neither, perhaps, has Nature prepared Things to have it be so; and though sometimes we may see Exceptions here too, and Contracts may be made sooner, yet at soonest the Lady should be fourteen to fifteen, and the Gentleman sixteen to seventeen, and even this would be thought very soon too.

I know, as above, it may be otherwise sometimes, but it is not looked upon as Modest or Decent. I hear of an Instance at this time of a young Lady that is big with Child, at a little above thirteen. But 'tis ill thought on; 'tis made a Jest of; 'tis call'd a Child with Child; the Mother of the Girl is look'd awry upon, and spoken ill of, for suffering it; the young Thing, is looked at as People look at a Sight or Show, and as something monstrous.

But what is this to the Case in hand, where the Couple is equal, the Matter is the less; and if there be a Fault any where, it seems to lie upon the Parents, or the Guardians, or whoever had the Conduct of the young People. But this does not relate to the Case that I am up-on;