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the word Matrimony, how it should be understood, and in what sense I understand it in the following Work. I repeat nothing.

I am now to explain another Term equally significant, tho' little taken notice of among us, a Word thought to be difficult, but is not difficult; absolutely necessary to be understood towards the right reading this Book, and particularly useful to its explanation, I mean Matrimonial Chastity; 'tis the Breach of this Chastity that is the Subject of the whole Work, and 'tis therefore, I say, absolutely necessary to understand what it is.

The exercise of lawful Enjoyments is one of the greatest Snares of Life; where Men seem to be left to their own Latitudes, 'tis too natural to think they are not obliged to any Restraint; but 'tis a great Mistake: Christian Limitation is the true measure of human Liberty; where Heaven has had the goodness to leave us without a limitation, he expects we should limit our selves with the more exactness; and perhaps 'tis the intent and meaning of that seeming unlimited Liberty (for 'tis no more) that our Virtue may have a fair Field for its trial, and that we may more eminently shew our Christian Temperance, in using those Liberties with the same Moderation where we have no positive Restraints imposed, as we would others, where we are under a direct and absolute Command.

Being therefore about to reprehend the Breaches of this Moderation, and, in a word, to combat the Exorbitances of unlimited Life, 'tis absolutely necessary to know what they are; and to lay down, with the utmost plainness
