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for whom he died and rose againe.

shall be partakers of the benefits of Christs death: but the simple Propositions are both false; the reprobates doe repent, and they are partakers of the saving benefits of Christs death. Carnall reasonings have brought forth strange monsters in Divinity, and in this particular not a few: It is good for us to acknowledge the wisdome, justice, goodnesse, mercy and truth of God in all his wayes, though we cannot wade into the depth of his counsels. If men give themselves leave to reason thus against the protestations of the Lord, why doth he intreat and perswade them to returne? why doth he complaine that they will not come unto him? if he give them not grace to come if they will, if he doe not enable them: Might they not plead as well against the fore-knowledge of God in the same manner, if God certainly fore-know that men will not returne upon such invitation, why doth he intreat againe and againe, sending his Prophets early, and calling upon them, when by the refusall of such mercy, they aggravate their sin, and encrease their judgement. Sure amongst men such a course would be accounted idle, unlesse it was done for a further end. One answer will suffice to both Objections: but when shall we make an end, if we give way to our ignorant and blind imaginations.

Now let us come to the second opinion, which is that Christ died, and by his death satisfied the justice of God for all that have believed, doe believe, or shall believe; that they, and they only are partakers of the saving benefits of Christs death. The death and redemption of Christ they deny not to be sufficient for the salvation of all men:See Malder anti-
synod. p.
23, 24.
Tapper. in schol. Lovan. Art. 6.
Fr. Sonn. l. 3.
demonst. Relig.
Christ. cap. 19.
nor that it is effectuall in many particulars, to some that believe not sincerely: but that, if the will of God, or the event be considered in respect of saving benefits, it was peculiar to the faithfull. For Christ the Mediatour of the Covenant of grace, died for them only that be comprehended in the Covenant of grace. His bloud is the bloud of the everlasting Covenant,Heb. 13.20.
Zach. 9. 11.
of the Covenant that God of his grace hath stricken with his Church, and was shed for them that have been, are and shall be called into that Covenant. This isMat 26.26.
and 20.28.

Mar. 14. 24.
Isa. 53. 12.
Luk. 22. 20.
Heb. 9. 28.
my bloud of the new Testament, which is shed for many for remission of sinnes: For many both Jews and Gentiles, of which the Church was to be gathered. Luke hath it, which is shed for you; and so it was shed for them, and for many of the same spirituall estate and condition with them, formany