Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/310

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How Christ hath fulfilled the office of Mediatour,

And so the Intercession of Christ implies three things. The perpetuall vigor of his sacrifice; the will of Christ fervently desiring that all his members might be accepted for the vertue of his sacrifice: and the will of God resting well pleased with us in his beloved Sonne.

The Saints on earth pray mutually one for another according to Gods commandement, not in their owne names, or for their owne merits, but for the merits, and in the name of Jesus Christ: but the Intercession of Christ is no wayes reciprocall, he prayeth for all and every one that is given unto him of the Father, and that through the vertue of his sacrifice, but they pray not for him.

This Intercession of Christ is ever effectuall, because the Father heareth and answereth him, and as he hath a power to intercede for us, so hath he power to conferre that upon us for which he intercedeth. I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, Joh. 14. 16. If I goe not away the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart, I will send him unto you, Joh. 16. 7. Christ as man praying for himselfe, was heard in that which he feared, though the Cup did not passe from him: but Christ as Mediatour is ever heard in the particular which he desireth.

Many and great benefits come to the Church of God by the Intercession of Christ Jesus. 1. Hereby the faithfull are assured of protection and defence against the continuall temptations, assaults and accusations of all their spirituall enemies, Satan and the world. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather that is risen againe, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh Intercession for us, Rom. 8. 34. I pray that thou wouldest keepe them from evill, Joh. 17 15.

But are not the faithfull subject to evills, corruptions and temptations still? how then is that part of the Intercession of Christ made good unto us?

For the understanding hereof, we must know that the Intercession of Christ is availeable to the faithfull presently, but in a manner suteable and convenient to the present estate and condition of the Church, so that there may be left roome for another life, and therefore we must not conceive all presently done. As the Sunne shineth on the Moone by leasurely degrees, till she come to her full light; or as if the King grant a pardon to be drawne; though the grant be of the whole thing at once, yet it cannot be writtenand