Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/313

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or how he is the Mediatour of the New Testament.

It remaines then that it was given to him as a faithfull Apostle, and so agrees to all the faithfull with him. And the things which Christ asketh for his Apostles are to be distinguished: for some things are simply necessary to Salvation, as that they might be saved from evill, and sanctified by the truth; others which pertaine properly to the Apostolicall office. Now when Christ asketh things necessary to Salvation, he prayeth not for his Apostles as Apostles, but as faithfull and beloved. For what things are asked for this or that man, as he executeth this or that office, they properly respect that office: but whatsoever things tend directly to the salvation of the Soule, are not to be reckoned amongst the things which are peculiar, but which are common.

Further they object, that Christ ever prayed Christs Intercession is not for the faithfull as faithfull, but as given unto him of the Father: for Christ hath prayed for them that they might believe: Christs Intercession is not conditionall: for then that condition is purchased by the blood of Christ or not. If not, then some spirituall blessing is necessary for us, which Christ hath not purchased. If yes, then Christ doth not desire his might receive what he hath purchased. If Christs Intercession be conditionall, then what is the condition, and whether is that purchased by his death, or of our selves.for the absolute perseverance of beleevers, but after a sort, and upon condition. But the prayer of Christ is certaine, and not suspended. They for whom Christ prayed doe not love the world, but that they love not the world, is an effect of Christs prayers, not a condition required in them that he might pray for them. Some prayers tacitly include a condition in him for whom we pray, as if we pray God to give eternall life to a sinner, we presuppose faith and repentance: because without faith and repentance life cannot be given, nor desired: but some prayers presuppose no condition in him for whom we pray, as when we pray God to give faith or repentance to any man. Now the Intercession and request which Christ maketh for the faithfull doth presuppose no condition; for he prayeth not simply that life might simply be given to the faithfull, but that they might be kept from evill, and if they be kept from evill, they must persevere in the faith: for to fall from the faith is the greatest evill. Neither can it be said that Christ prayeth for them that would persevere, but he prayeth that they should persevere: for the object of the thing for which we pray, must be distinct from the thing it selfe prayed for. No man would pray for men to persevere if they doe persevere: but rather that they might persevere, which otherwise would not. Yet they reply, Christ prayeth that his Apostlesmight