Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/8

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To the Reader.

that the Church shall have the benefit of any labours, which he hath left for publike use, and in speciall of this subject (the Covenant of Grace) so needfull and profitable. And that acquaintance which we had with this faithfull servant of Jesus Christ, doth incline us with all willingnesse, to give our approbation of this piece, although our manifold imployments have not suffered us to peruse it, so exactly, as otherwise we should have done.

We shall desire, that by thy faithfull improvement hereof, thy knowledge of the fœderall transactions betwixt God and his people, through Jesus Christ, may be much augmented, unto his honour, and thine everlasting happinesse, in him, in whom we are,

Thy faithfull Friends,

Edward Reynolds. Thomas Hill.
Daniel Cawdrey. Anthony Burgess.
Edmond Calamy.