Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 1.djvu/289

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then and will be conjugate with respect to and , and and will be conjugate with respect to and .

Now let and be rectangular coordinates, and let be the potential, then will be conjugate to , being any constant.

Let us put , then , .

If varies from to 0, and then from 0 to , varies from to and from to . Hence the equipotential surface for which is a plane parallel to at a distance from the origin, and extending from to .

Let us consider a portion of this plane, extending from

to and from to ,

let us suppose its distance from the plane of to be , and its potential to be .

The charge of electricity on any portion of this part of the plane is found by ascertaining the values of at its extremities.

If these are and , the quantity of electricity is

We have therefore to determine from the equation

will have a negative value and a positive value at the edge of the plane, where .

Hence the charge on the negative side is , and that on the positive side is .

If we suppose that is large compared with ,

If we neglect the exponential terms in we shall find that the charge on the negative surface exceeds that which it would have if the superficial density had been uniform and equal to that at a distance from the boundary, by a quantity equal to the charge on a strip of breadth with the uniform superficial density.

The total capacity of the part of the plane considered is