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can exist only with respect to the particular variable . We must in this case admit that it has an infinite differential coefficient when . If is not physically continuous, it cannot be differentiated at all.

It is possible in physical questions to get rid of the idea of discontinuity without sensibly altering the conditions of the case. If is a very little less than and a very little greater than , then will be very nearly equal to and to . We may now suppose to vary in any arbitrary but continuous manner from to between the limits and . In many physical questions we may begin with a hypothesis of this kind, and then investigate the result when the values of and are made to approach that of and ultimately to reach it. The result will in most cases be independent of the arbitrary manner in which we have supposed to vary between the limits.

Discontinuity of a Function of more than One Variable.

8.] If we suppose the values of all the variables except to be constant, the discontinuity of the function will occur for particular values of , and these will be connected with the values of the other variables by an equation which we may write

The discontinuity will occur when . When is positive the function will have the form . When is negative it will have the form . There need be no necessary relation between the forms and .

To express this discontinuity in a mathematical form, let one of the variables, say , be expressed as a function of and the other variables, and let and be expressed as functions of We may now express the general form of the function by any formula which is sensibly equal to when is positive, and to when is negative. Such a formula is the following—

As long as is a finite quantity, however great, will be a continuous function, but if we make infinite will be equal to when is positive, and equal to when is negative.

Discontinuity of the Derivatives of a Continuous Function.

The first derivatives of a continuous function may be discon-