Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 2.djvu/145

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dip circle.

Let be the perpendicular from the centre of inertia on the plane on which the axis rolls, then will be a function of , whatever be the shape of the rolling surfaces. If both the rolling sections of the ends of the axis are circular,


where is the distance of the centre of inertia from the line joining the centres of the rolling sections, and is the angle which this line makes with the line of collimation.

If is the magnetic moment, the mass of the magnet, and the force of gravity, the total magnetic force, and the dip, then, by the conservation of energy, when there is stable equilibrium,


must be a maximum with respect to , or


if the ends of the axis are cylindrical.

Also, if be the time of vibration about the position of equilibrium,


where is the moment of inertia of the needle about its axis of rotation.

In determining the dip a reading is taken with the dip circle in the magnetic meridian and with the graduation towards the west.

Let be this reading, then we have


The instrument is now turned about a vertical axis through 180°, so that the graduation is to the east, and if is the new reading,


Taking (6) from (5), and remembering that is nearly equal to and nearly equal to , and that is a small angle, such that may be neglected in comparison with ,


Now take the magnet from its bearings and place it in the deflexion apparatus, Art. 453, so as to indicate its own magnetic moment by the deflexion of a suspended magnet, then


where is the tangent of the deflexion.