Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 2.djvu/26

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Art. Page
760. Weber's method by transient currents 360
761. His method of observation 361
762. Weber's method by damping 361
763. Thomson's method by a revolving coil 364
764. Mathematical theory of the revolving coil 364
765. Calculation of the resistance 365
766. Corrections 366
767. Joule's calorimetric method 367

Chapter XIX.

Comparison of Electrostatic with Electromagnetic Units.

768. Nature and importance of the investigation 368
769. The ratio of the units is a velocity 369
770. Current by convection 370
771. Weber and Kohlrausch's method 370
772. Thomson's method by separate electrometer and electrodynamometer 372
773. Maxwell's method by combined electrometer and electrodynamometer 372
774. Electromagnetic measurement of the capacity of a condenser. Jenkin's method 373
775. Method by an intermittent current 374
776. Condenser and Wippe as an arm of Wheatstone's bridge 375
777. Correction when the action is too rapid 376
778. Capacity of a condenser compared with the self-induction of a coil 377
779. Coil and condenser combined 379
780. Electrostatic measure of resistance compared with its electromagnetic measure 382

Chapter XX.

Electromagnetic Theory of Light.

781. Comparison of the properties of the electromagnetic medium with those of the medium in the undulatory theory of light 383
782. Energy of light during its propagation 384
783. Equation of propagation of an electromagnetic disturbance 384
784. Solution when the medium is a non-conductor 386
785. Characteristics of wave-propagation 386
786. Velocity of propagation of electromagnetic disturbances 387
787. Comparison of this velocity with that of light 387