Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 2.djvu/29

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  CONTENTS. xxiii
Art. Page
848. Relative motion of four electric particles. Fechner's theory 427
849. Two new forms of Ampère's formula 428
850. Two different expressions for the force between two electric particles in motion 428
851. These are due to Gauss and to Weber respectively 429
852. All forces must be consistent with the principle of the conservation of energy 429
853. Weber's formula is consistent with this principle but that of Gauss is not 429
854. Helmholtz's deductions from Weber's formula 430
855. Potential of two currents 431
856. Weber's theory of the induction of electric currents 431
857. Segregating force in a conductor 432
858. Case of moving conductors 433
859. The formula of Gauss leads to an erroneous result 434
860. That of Weber agrees with the phenomena 434
861. Letter of Gauss to Weber 435
862. Theory of Riemann 435
863. Theory of C. Neumann 435
864. Theory of Betti 436
865. Repugnance to the idea of a medium 437
866. The idea of a medium cannot be got rid of 437