Page:A Treatise on Geology, volume 2.djvu/10

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Lacustrine Deposits─continued.
Lakes of the Pleiocene and Diluvial Period 48
Fossil Mammalia of the upper Val d'Arno 48
Series of Deposits in the upper Val d'Arno 49
Series of Deposits at Bielbecks 50
Organic Remains at Bielbecks 50
Fossil Shells of the Valley of the Thames 51
Charlesworth's Classification of Mammaliferous Strata 52
Modern Lacustrine Deposits 53
Analysis of the Deposition 55
Subterranean and Submarine Forests 57
Buried Trees on the Course of a River 57
Series of Beds associated with Tin Ore at Sandrycock, Cornwall 60
Turf Moors 62
Antiquity of Subterranean Forests 64
General Considerations 68
General Remarks 71
Igneous Origin 71
Geological Age 72
Composition 72
Mineral Composition of Unstratified Rocks 80
Scrope's Synopsis of Volcanic Rocks.─Trachyte 83
Greystone.─Basalt 84
Elements of the Old Rocks of Fusion.─Division I. Felspathic 84
Division II.─Hornblende, Augite, &c Felspathic 84
Division III. Hornblendic, Augitic, &c. 85
Mixed Rocks 86
Gradations among Igneous Rocks 87
Chemical Composition of the Rocks of Igneous Origin 90
Analysis of Minerals in Igneous Products 91
Table of Varieties of Mica 92
Table of Varieties of Granite 92
Table of Varieties of Sienite 93
Table of Combinations of Felspar 93
Analysis of Serpentine 94
Table of Felspathic Compounds analogous to Granite 94
Analyses of Pumice, compact Lava of Calabria, Basalt 95
Exterior Forms of the Masses of Igneous Rocks 95
Interposed Beds 95
Overlying Masses 97
Fissures 97
Dykes 98
Veins 99