Page:A Treatise on Geology, volume 2.djvu/370

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Prestwich, Mr., his notice of trap rocks, i. 85. His observations on the London clay, 255. His theory accounting for the uplifting of Moray Frith, 322.
Primary system, table of deposits in the, i. 56. See Hypozoic and Silurian Systems.
Prony, M., his account of the Adriatic coast, ii. 28.
Pryce, Mr., on copper ore, ii. 170.
Pryme, Rev. A. de la, his description of Hatfield Chase, ii. 65. His account of remains of a man found in a turf pit, 67. His conclusion that the Romans were destroyers of the forests at the bottom of moors, now adopted by geologists, 68.
Psalmodi, account of, ii. 28.
Pterodactylus, fossil remains of, i. 98. 226.
Pucklechurch, dislocation of strata at, i. 49.
Pumice, analysis of, ii. 95.
Purbeck beds, fossil deposits in, i. 92. Lacustrine deposits of, ii. 40.
Puzzolana of Naples, its composition, ii. 214.
Pyrenees, dip of stratified rocks in the, i. 37. Offer an example of the granitic basis of the earth's crust, 108. Three depositories of iron ore in, ii. 163. Its mineral springs and their chemical analysis, 256.
Pyrogenous rocks, antiquity of, ii. 145.
Pythagoras, maxim of, ii. 125.


Quadersanstein of Weinbohla, i. 244.
Quadrumana, remains of, discovered in the lacustrine deposit of Sansan, &c., i. 100. See Organic Remains.
Quartz, proportion of oxygen in, i. 25. Its composition, 31. Arrangement of, in cross courses of Cornwall, ii. 167. Cross courses of, 173.
Quetelet, M., his experiments on heat, ii. 267.
Quito, volcanos of, ii. 230.


Rabenstein, cavern of, animal remains found in, i. 311.
Raffles, Sir Stamford, his account of the volcanic eruptions of Java, ii. 228.
Raiatea, island of, its coral reefs, i. 332.
Railways, construction of, a knowledge of Geology necessary for, Rain, its effects as an agent of disintegration, ii. 10.
Ramsay, Mr., ordnance maps of, i. 129.
Rasleigh, Mr. P., on the deposit of Sandrycock, ii. 60, 61.
Red Sea, volcanic phenomena near the, ii. 228.
Refrigeration and its effects, ii. 264. 305, et seq.
Reliquiæ, organic, best method for comprehending, i. 103.
Remains, organic, found in various strata, i. 118. 131. 140. 156. 170. 198. 205. 222. 238. 264. 298-316. ii. 41, et seq.
Reptiles (Reptilia), fossil remains of, i. 91. See Organic Remains.
Rhine, fossil deposits in the, i. 92. 269. Amount of mud carried off by its waters, ii. 33.
Rhinoceros, skeleton of a, found in Dream Cavern, i. 311.
Rhine, delta of the, how formed, ii. 25. Deposits from the, 29.
Ribblesdale, notice of sparry cracks at, i. 64.
Richardson, Dr., his account of the Giant's Causeway, i. 244.
"Rider," explanation of the term, ii. 166.
Riley, Mr., his discoveries in fossil zoology, i. 94.
"Rise," meaning of the term, i. 36.
Riobamba, destruction of, by an earthquake, ii. 221.
Rivers, their effects in disintegrating the earth's surface, ii. 20. Lakes formed in the course of, 23. New land formed at the mouths of, 27.
Roads, their construction necessarily involves a knowledge of Geology, ii. 329.
Rock, ocean of melted, under South America, ii. 247.
Rock salt, origin of, i. 210.
Rock sandstone, its composition, i. 31.
Rock terraces in valleys, ii. 6.
Rocks of the New York system, Mr. Hall's classification of, i. 143.
Rocks, proportions of oxygen contained in certain, i. 24. Forms of masses of, 35. Position of,