Page:A Treatise on the Diseases produced by Onanism, Masturbation, Self-pollution, and other excesses.djvu/200

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satyriasis and nymphomania. Dr. Desportes was we believe the first one to point out a certain relation between venereal excitement and different catarrhal affections among which he has particularly mentioned the aphthous inflammation of the pharynx termed by Guersent angina pultacea. M. Desportes has known attacks of at least eight cases of this angina to be preceded by a vivid excitement of the reproductive system, an excitement which is sometimes manifested by an irritation, which although not exactly the venereal appetite, is analogous to it, and causes in the patient an evident feeling of distrust, inquietude, and chagrin. As this phenomenon has presented itself as a precursory symptom in at least one half of the cases of angina pultacea observed by him, he regards it as an index of the imminent invasion of this disease. He also thinks and with reason, that this phenomenon may, in young patients, become a cause of masturbation, and even in some cases, may pervert momentarily the ideas and sentiments, so as to impel individuals to the commission of acts reputed criminal or culpable. This opinion of Desportes is supported by eight facts. The most remarkable is that of a lady seventy years old, in whom the angina pultacea, was preceded for about a month with vivid and frequent venereal desires: they became so irresistible, that notwithstanding her religious opinions, she forgot herself so far as to relieve her ardor by onanism. Desportes has attempted to explain this singular feeling, by the connexion of the nerves of the neck with certain, parts of the encephalon, the commencement of the spinal marrow. He might, we think, have explained this more naturally, by observing that the genital excitement, instead of appearing simultaneously with the affection of the pharynx, disappeared simply from the appearance of the latter. Thus, in one of these patients, a man of fifty years old whose habits were chaste, and who was suddenly affected with unusual venereal desires and priapism, these symptoms ceased, when after twenty days, an angina appeared; which was followed by an eczema