Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/403

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OP IRELAND. 105 all the Irish Lords which had been somewhat disor- dered, renewed their obedience. 5. When Ireland first received Christendome they gave themselves into the jurisdiction both spiritual! & temporall, of the See of Rome. The temporall Lord- ship, Pope Adrian conferred upon Henry the second, and hee gave the same to Iohn his younger sonne 3 afterwards King of England, and so it returned home to the Crowne. 6. Alexander the 3. confirmed the gift of Adrian as in both their Charters is expressed at large. 7- Vivian the legate on the Popes behalfe doth ac- curse and excommunicate all those that flitte from the obeysance of the Kings of England. 8. The cleargy twice assembled, once at Cashell, secondly at Ardmagh, plainely determined the con- quest to be lawfull, and threatned all people, under paine of Gods, and holy Churches indignation, to ac- cept the English kings for their Lords, from time to time. 9. It would aske a volume to recite the* names of such Irish Princes, who since the conquest have con- tinually occasions, revolts or petitions, sworne truth and faith to the kings of England, from time to time, received honours, wages, fees, pardons, and petitions. p