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there are the rocks. I'm quite indifferent provided I get away from here...."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Can you ask, my dear child?"

A squeeze from the little hand showed that his answer had been understood. Silence settled down once more.

"Gratienne? At this very moment she's probably with another lover. But then, think of leaving a woman alone in Paris, in July? 'I am never bored. I dine at Mme Fleury's every day; she loves having me. We start for Honfleur on the 25th. You must come and see us.' She imagines that Honfleur is close to Cherbourg. 'I am never bored.' Come, come; when women speak so clearly, it means they have nothing to hide.... On the contrary it's one of their tricks...."

"Well, my child, how's your wretchedness? Is it all over?"

"I am very happy," Rose answered.

A look from her big limpid eyes confirmed these solemn words and M. Hervart was more moved than at the moment of her surrender. The idea that he was the cause of this child's happiness filled him with pride.