Page:A Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Regions Vol 1.djvu/55

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To Mr. McCormick and Dr. Hooker I am besides indebted for several very interesting notices of the geology and botany of the places visited by the Expedition, which are inserted either in the narrative or the Appendix.

The drawings and vignettes contained in these volumes were principally furnished by Mr. Davis; those of Christmas Harbour, Nine Pin Rock, and deep soundings, by Lieutenant Dayman; and some, which bear his name, by Dr. Hooker.

I have also to express my deep obligations to Dr. Sir John Richardson, of Haslar Hospital, and J. E. Gray, Esq., of the British Museum, for undertaking, gratuitously, the publication of an account of the zoological collection formed during the course of our voyage; and to those gentlemen of the British Museum who have assisted them in the laborious task; and to Dr. Hooker, for the elaborate manner in which he is describing the extensive botanical collection in the beautifully executed "Flora Antarctica."

For the illustration of these two great works, which are now advancing towards completion, the government, at the recommendation of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, granted the sum of two thousand pounds; and I hope that naturalists will at once appreciate the liberality of this measure, and acknowledge that the money has been advantageously employed.

It has been impossible, in the course of the narrative, to do more than glance at some of the im-