Page:A Voyage to Surat in the Year 1689.djvu/20

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A Voyage to Suratt.





The Iſland of Madeira THis ſland, as we are inform’d by good Hiſtorians, was ſirſt diſcover’d by John Gonſalvo and Triſtan, under the Patronage of Henry Infanto of Portugal. But the preſent Inhabitants give us a different Account of its Diſcovery, viz. That in The diſcovery of this Iſland by the Engliſh the Year 1344. an Engliſh Gentleman, having Married a Lady of a conſiderable Fortune, and ſetting out with her for France from the Port of Briſtol, was by guſty weather, and oppoſite winds, driven into this Iſland: Where, upon his Landing, finding it a forlorn Place, both Uncultivated and Unpeopled, he fell into an extream fit of Melancholy, and yielding too much to that black Diſtemper, contributed by his
