Page:A Voyage to Terra Australis Volume 1.djvu/66

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[Prior Discoveries.

and Alt.

Island bore N.N.E. to E.N.E., eight or ten miles, and where the observed latitude was 9° 27′ south. She remained upon this bank until the morning of the 24th; when Mr. Bampton got into a channel of 13 fathoms, which had been found by the boats, and the ship did not appear to have received other damage, than the loss of the false keel. The still continued to be kept at work, day and night.

Aug. 27. Messieurs Bampton and Alt proceeded onward in a track which had been sounded by the boats. At sunset, they came to, in 4 fathoms; the extremes of New Guinea then bearing N.W. by W. to N.E. by E., three or four leagues. Some further progress was made next morning; and at noon, when at anchor in 3¾ fathoms, and in latitude 9° 26½′, an island was discovered bearing S.W. ¾ S. five or six leagues; which received, eventually, the name of Deliverance Island.

Aug. 29. The Hormuzeer grounded at low water; from which it appeared that the tide had fallen twelve feet, though then at the neaps. When the ship floated, they made sail to the westward; and deepened the water to 9 and 12 fathoms. At noon, it had again shoaled to 6; Deliverance Island bearing S.S.W. ½ W. nine or ten miles, and New Guinea N.W. to N. by E. ½ E. four or five leagues: latitude observed 9° 25′ south. After preceding a little further westward, they anchored in 5 fathoms.

Aug. 30. The soundings varied as before, between 4 and 10 fathoms: the bottom, rotten coral intermixed with sand. At noon, when the latitude was 9° 21′, Deliverance Island was just in sight from the deck, in the S.E. by S.; and the extremes of New Guinea bore N.E. by E. to N.W. ½ W., ten or twelve miles.[1] In the afternoon, the depth again decreased to 4 fathoms, and obliged them to anchor until morning. On the 31st, the ships appear to have steered
  1. Mr. Bampton's chart and journal are more at variance here than in the preceding parts of the Strait, and I have found it very difficult to adjust them; but have attempted it in Plate XIII.