Page:A Voyage to Terra Australis Volume 2.djvu/149

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Wellesley's Islands.]

Tuesday 23.

tents, a seine, and other necessaries for watering the ship and supplying us with fish. The carpenters proceeded in their work of caulking; but as they advanced, report after report was brought to me of rotten places found in different parts of the ship,—in the planks, bends, timbers, tree-nails, &c, until it became quite alarming. I therefore directed the master and carpenterWednes. 24. to make a regular examination into all such essential parts, as could be done without delaying the service; and to give me an official report thereon, with answers to certain queries put to them. After two days examination, their report was made in the following terms.Friday 25.

In obedience to your directions we have taken with us the eldest carpenter's mate of the Investigator, and made as thorough an examination into the state of the ship as circumstances will permit, and which we find to be as under:—
Out of ten top timbers on the larbord side, near the fore channel, four are sound, one partly rotten, and five entirely rotten.
We have seen but one timber on the larbord quarter, which is entirely rotten.
On the starbord bow, close to the stem, we have seen three timbers which are all rotten. Under the starbord fore chains, we find one of the chain-plate bolts started, in consequence of the timber and inside plank being rotten; and also a preventer eye-bolt, from the same cause.
On boring into the second futtock timbers from the main hold, close under the beams of the lower deck on the larbord side, we find one sound and two rotten; and on the other side, one sound and one rotten.
On boring into one of the second futtock timbers in the cockpit, on each side, we find it to be sound on the starbord, but on the other side rotten: the inside plank on both sides is rotten. On boring into one timber of a side in the after hold, we find them to be sound.