Page:A Voyage to Terra Australis Volume 2.djvu/151

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Wellesley's Islands.]

Friday 26.

but that if she remain in fine weather and happen no accident, she may run six months longer without much risk.

To Matthew Flinders, Esq.
Commander of His Majesty's
sloop the Investigator.

We are, SIR,

your obedient servants,
John Aken, master,
Russel Mart, carpenter.

I cannot express the surprise and sorrow which this statement gave me. According to it, a return to Port Jackson was almost immediately necessary; as well to secure the journals and charts of the examinations already made, as to preserve the lives of the ship's company; and my hopes of ascertaining completely the exterior form of this immense, and in many points interesting country, if not destroyed, would at least be deferred to an uncertain period. My leading object had hitherto been, to make so accurate an investigation of the shores of Terra Australis that no future voyage to this country should be necessary; and with this always in view, I had ever endeavoured to follow the land so closely, that the washing of the surf upon it should be visible, and no opening, nor any thing of interest escape notice. Such a degree of proximity is what navigators have usually thought neither necessary nor safe to pursue, nor was it always persevered in by us; sometimes because the direction of the wind or shallowness of the water made it impracticable, and at other times because the loss of the Ship would have been the probable consequence of approaching so near to a lee shore. But when circumstances were favourable, such was the plan I pursued; and with the blessing of God, nothing of importance should have been left for future discoverers, upon any part of these extensive coasts; but with a ship incapable of encountering bad weather,—which could not be repaired if sustaining injury from any of the numerous shoals or rocks upon the coast,—which, if constant fine weather could be ensured and all accidents avoided, could not run more than six months;—with such a ship, I knew not how to accomplish the task.