Page:A Voyage to Terra Australis Volume 2.djvu/563

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Natural Orders.]

cation; like Saxifrageæ also it comprehends genera with ovarium superum and inferum.

The genera strictly belonging to Cunoniaceæ are Weinmannia, Cunonia, Ceratopetalum, Calycomis, and Codia. To this order Bauera may also be referred, but it must form a separate section from the genera already mentioned. Of these Weinmannia, Ceratopetalum, and Calycomis are found in Terra Australis, and hitherto, only at the eastern extremity of its principal parallel, where also Bauera is most abundant; but this genus is found beyond the parallel in one direction, extending to the southern extremity of Van Diemen's Island.

RHIZOPHOREÆ.[1] The genera Rhizophora, Bruguiera, and Carallia, all of which are found in the æquinoctial part of New Holland, form a distinct natural order which may be called Rhizophoreæ. This order agrees with Cunoniaceæ in its opposite leaves and intermediate stipulæ, and with great part of them in the æstivation of its calyx, and in the structure and cohesion of the ovarium. From these it differs chiefly in the want of Albumen and greater evolution of its Embryo. Jussieu[2] has combined Rhizophora and Bruguiera with Loranthus and Viscum, neglecting some very obvious, and, as they appear to me, important differences in the flower, and probably never having had an opportunity of comparing the very distinct structures of their ovaria; the affinity too of Rhizophoreæ to Cunoniaceæ is unquestionable, and it will hardly be proposed to unite both these tribes with Loranthus, which I consider as even more nearly related to Proteaceæ.

HALORAGEÆ. The greater part of the genera of which this order is composed, have been referred to Onagrareæ, to certain parts of which they no doubt very nearly approach; but it must appear rather paradoxical to unite Fuchsia in the same family with Myriophyllum and even Hippuris,
  1. Rhizophoreæ. Calyx superus, 4-5-fidus, æstivatione valvata. Petala 4-5. Stamina perigyna, 8-15. Ovarium 2-loc. loculis 2-polyspermis ovulis pendulis: Stylus I. Pericarpium clausum, monospermum. Semen exalbuminosum. Embryo sæpe germinans et pericarpium semisuperum perforans.
    Arbores. Folia opposita, simplicia, stipulis interpetiolaribus.
  2. Annales du mus. 12. p. 288.