Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/108

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achieved. Once, in a spot where the chart of the only ship which had previously traversed that channel showed deep water, a ledge suddenly shot up from the bottom and the Viborg was forced on to it at full speed. The wind and sea drove it harder on. It cost the deck load and too many hundred pounds from the boxes in the hold before the Viborg, with engine full astern and all hands pulling on the anchor, got clear. For fifty hours no one slept. But now the goal was nearing. The sea and wind went down; watches again could be divided. Geoff, in his turn, went to his bunk. Toward morning, Latham opened the cabin door and threw himself on his bed.

"McNeal's given it up," he announced. "We're somewhere off the south end of Mason Island, with the ice between us and the shore."