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pestering her guardians with such assiduity that life soon became as harassing as before.

Among these suitors there was a certain Tayū no Gen who held a small position under the Lord-Lieutenant of Tsukushi. He came of a family that was very influential in Higo and the surrounding country, and on this side of the island he ranked as a person of considerable importance. He had, moreover, greatly distinguished himself in a campaign against the insurgents. To a singular degree of hardihood and endurance there was added in his nature more than a fair share of sensuality. Women were his hobby; he kept a prodigious quantity of them always about him, and was continually on the look-out for opportunities of adding to the collection. The story of the beautiful Tamakatsura and of the secret deformity which prevented her marriage soon reached Tayū’s ears. ‘Mis-shapen, is she?’ he cried. ‘Frightened that people will stare? She need not worry about that if she comes to me. I’ll keep her locked up all right!’ and he wrote at once to Shōni’s wife. The old lady, who knew his reputation, was sadly put about. She replied that her grand-daughter was destined for the convent and that no proposals of this kind could be entertained on her behalf. Tayū was not used to be put off like this and, determined at all costs to get his way, he came galloping over to Hizen at full speed. He immediately summoned Shōni’s three sons to his lodging and said to them: ‘Let me have that girl, and you may count on me as a friend for life. My name goes for something on the Higo side….” Two of the sons were easily won over and promised to do as Tayū asked. They had, it is true, a moment’s qualm at the thought of handing over Tō no Chūjō’s child to this lawless provincial swashbuckler. But they had their own way to make in the world, and they knew that Tayū had by no means exaggerated the value of