Page:A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 3.djvu/241

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About the time when Dr Erskine obtained his license, a remarkable concern for religion had been exhibited in the British colonies of North America. In order to obtain the earliest and most authentic religious intelligence from those provinces, he commenced a correspondence with those chiefly concerned in

    15th, The Equity and Wisdom of the Administration, on measures that have unhappily occasioned the American Revolt tried by the Sacred Oracles. Edinburgh, 1776.
    16th, Considerations on the Spirit of Popery, and the intended Bill for the relief of the Papists in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1778.
    17th, A Narrative of the Debate in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 23th, 1779. Occasioned by the apprehensions of an intended repeal of the penal-statutes against Papists. With a dedication to Dr George Campbell, principal of the Marischal College, Aberdeen. Edinburgh, 1780.
    18th, Prayer for those in civil and military offices, recommended from a view of the influence of Providence on their character, conduct, and success; a sermon preached before the election of the Magistrates of Edinburgh, October 5th, 1779, and published at the request of the Magistrates and Town council.
    19th, Sketches and Hints of Church History and Theological Controversy, chiefly translated and abridged from modern foreign writers, vol. I. Edinburgh, 1790,
    20th, Letters, chiefly written for comforting those bereaved of Children and Friends. Collected from books and manuscripts. Edinburgh, 1790. 2d edition with additions. Edinburgh, 1800.
    21st, The fatal Consequences and the General Sources of Anarchy; a discourse on Isaiah, xxiv. 1, 5 ; the substance of which was preached before the Magistrates of Edinburgh, September, 1792; published at their request, and that of the members of the Old Grey Friars Kirk Session. Edinburgh, 1793.
    22d, A Supplement to Two Volumes, published in 1754, of Historical Collections, chiefly containing late remarkable instances of Faith working by Love; published from the Manuscript of the late Dr John Gillies, one of the ministers of Glasgow. With an account of the Pious Compiler, and other additions. Edinburgh, 1796.
    23d, Sketches and Hints of Church History and Theological Controversy, chiefly translated and abridged from modern foreign writers, vol. II. Edinburgh, 1797.
    24th, Discourses preached on several occasions, vol. I. 2d edition, 1798. Volume II. posthumous, prepared for the press and published by Sir H. Moncrieff Wellwood, 1804.
    25th, Dr Erskine's reply to a printed Letter, directed to him by A. C. ; in which the gross misrepresentations in said letter, of his Sketches of Church History, in promoting the designs of the infamous sect of the Illuminati, are considered. Edinburgh, 1798.
    Those Works which were edited by Dr Erskine, or for which he wrote prefaces are, 1st, Aspasio Vindicated, or the Scripture doctrine of imputed righteousness defended against the animadversions, Sec. of Mr Wesley ; with a preface of ten pages by Dr Erskine-Edinburgh, 1765.
    2d, An Account of the Life of the late Rev. Mr David Brainerd, &c. by Jonathan Ed wards. Edinburgh, 1765.
    3d, An Essay on the continuance of immediate Revelations of Facts and Future Events, in the Christian church, by the Rev. Thomas Gillespie, minister of the Gospel at Dunfermline; together with a Letter by the late Mr Cuthbert, minister of Culross, on the danger of considering the influence of the Spirit as a rule of Duty; with a Preface by Dr Erskine. Edinburgh, 1774.
    4th, A Treatise on Temptation, by the Rev. Thomas Gillespie. Prefaced by Dr Erskine, 1771.
    5th, A History of the work of Redemption, by the late Jonathan Edwards, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1774.
    6th, Sermons on various important subjects, by Jonathan Edwards, 12mo. Edinburgh, 1785.
    7th, Dying Exercises of Mrs Deborah Prince, and Devout Meditations of Mrs Sarah Gill, daughters of the late Rev. Thomas Prince, minister of South church Boston, New England. 1785.
    8th, Six Sermons, by the late Rev. Thomas Prince, A. M., one of the ministers in the South Church, Boston. Published from his manuscript, with a Preface by Dr Erskine, containing a very interesting account of the Author, of his Son who pre-deceased him, and of three of his daughters.
    9th, Practical Sermons, by the Rev. Thomas Prince, 8vo, 1788,
    10th, Twenty Sermons, by the Rev. Thomas Prince, on various subjects. Edinburgh, 1789.
    11th, A Reply to the Religious Scruples against Innoculating the Small-pox, in a letter to a friend, by the late Rev. William Cooper of Boston, New England. Edinburgh, 1791.
    12th, The safety of appearing at the Day of Judgment in the Righteousness of Christ, opened and applied, by Solomon Stoddart, pastor to the church of Northampton, in New England, the grandfather and predecessor of Mr Jonathan Edwards. Edinburgh, 1792