Page:A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 3.djvu/356

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The Works of Robert Burns. Com- plete Illustrated Edition, Literary and Pictorial. Con- sisting of a complete Collection of his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence ; arranged Chronologically, and accompanied by numerous Notes and Annotations. The whole preceded by Professor WILSON'S ESSAY " On the Genius and Character of Burns," and Dr. CUBBIE'S Memoir of the Poet. In 25 nos. , Is. each, with 51 Landscape and Por- trait Illustrations ; or with a more extended series of Illustrations, 82 in number, in 16 parts, 2s. each. 2 vols. super-royal Svo, cloth extra, 36s. " Unquestionably the most beautiful edition we have seen. The engravings are admirable, the typography very choice, and the notes select and useful." Court Circular. A New Portrait of Robert Burns, From the much-admired Picture by his friend ARCHI- BALD SKIRVING, Engraved in Stipple, in the most finished manner. By WILLIAM HOLL. Size of the Engraving, 14^ by Hi inches. Prints, 7s. Gd.; Plain Proofs, with open letters, 12s.; First Proofs, on India Paper, with Autograph, 20s. "A very admirable portrait, beaming with manly beauty, intelligence, and vivacity, the impersonation of a man endowed by nature with no ordinary gifts." Art Journal. The Mechanic's Calculator; Compre- hending Principles, Rules, and Tables, in the various Departments of Mathematics and Mechanics. Twenty- second Edition. Cloth, 5s. Gd. The Mechanic's Dictionary. A. Note- Book of Technical Terms, Rules, and Tables, useful in the Mechanical Arts. With Engravings of Machinery, and nearly 200 Diagrams on Wood. Eighteenth edition. Cloth, 9s. The CALCULATOR and DICTIONARY are published in 27 nos., Gd. each. Wayside Flowers: Being Poems and Songs, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By ALEXANDER LAINO, Brechin. Introduction by Rev. GEORGE GILFILLAN. Third edition. Cloth gilt, 2s. Smith's Canada: PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE. 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The Works of the Ettrick Shej HERD, in Poetry and Prose. A New Edition, r vised at the instance of the Author's Family. Wil a Biographical Memoir by the Rev. THOMAS THOI SON. Illustrated by Thirty fine Engravings, fro Drawings by D. O. Hill, R. 8. A., and Keeley Hall welle, A.R.S.A. Completed in 26 parts, Is. each; or vols. super-royal Svo, cloth extra, 32s. The Tales of the Ettrick Shepherd are written in a style pal liarly racy and attractive, which never fails to impress tit reader in the liveliest manner, and which obtained distinctid for the Author even when the Great Unknown was in the heiffl of his fame. 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