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to him, in consideration of his talents and services. Dr Moor was addicted to the cultivation of light literature, and used to amuse himself and his friends, by writing verses in the Hudibrastic vein. He resigned his chair in 1774, on account of bad health, and died on the 17th of September, 1779.

MOORE, (Dr) John, a miscellaneous writer of the last century, was born in Stirling, in the year 1730. His father, the reverend Charles Moore, was a clergyman of the Scottish episcopal church, settled at Stirling. His mother was the daughter of John Anderson, Esq., Dowhill, Glasgow.

On the death of his father, which took place in 1735, his mother removed with her family to Glasgow, where a small property had been left her by her father. Having here gone through the usual course of grammar-school education, young Moore was matriculated at the university, and attended the various classes necessary to qualify him for the profession of medicine, for which he was early intended. At a more advanced stage of his studies he was placed under the care of Dr Gordon, an eminent practitioner of that day; and while under his tuition attended the lectures of Dr Hamilton, then anatomical demonstrator, and those of the celebrated Dr Cullen, at that time professor of medicine at Glasgow.

In 1747, Mr Moore, desirous of adding to the professional knowledge which he had already acquired, by visiting a new and wider field of experience, proceeded to the continent, under the protection of the duke of Argyle, to whom he had procured an introduction. The duke, then a commoner, was lieutenant- colonel of a regiment of foot, and was about to embark for Flanders to serve under the duke of Cumberland, who was there in command of the allied army. On arriving at Maestricht, he attended the military hospitals there, in the capacity of mate, and found abundance of practice, as these receptacles were filled with soldiers, wounded at the battle of Laffeldt, which had just been fought. In consequence of a recommendation which he soon after obtained from Mr Middleton, director-general of the military hospitals, to the earl of Albemarle, Mr Moore removed to Flushing, where he again attended the military hospitals. From this duty, however, he was almost immediately called to the assistance of the surgeon of the Coldstream foot guards, of which regiment his new patron, the earl of Albemarle, was colonel. With this corps, Mr Moore, after passing the autumn of 1747 in Flushing, removed to Breda, where he spent the winter in garrison. In the summer of the following year, a peace having been in the mean time concluded, he returned to England with general Braddock.

Although thus fairly on the world, and in possession of very considerable experience in his profession, Mr Moore was yet only in the seventeenth year of his age. After remaining some time in London, during which he attended the anatomical lectures of his celebrated countryman, Dr Hunter, he went to Paris, to acquire what knowledge might be afforded by an attendance on the hospital and medical lectures of that city, then reckoned the best school in Europe. Fortunately for Mr Moore, his early patron, the earl of Albemarle, was at this time residing in Paris, as ambassador from the court of Great Britain. Mr Moore lost no time in waiting upon his excellency, who, having always entertained the highest opinion of his merits, immediately appointed him surgeon to his household. He had thus an opportunity afforded him of enjoying the first society in Paris, being at all times a welcome guest at the table of the ambassador.

After residing nearly two years in the French capital, Mr Moore was invited by his first master, Dr Gordon, to return to Glasgow, and to enter into partnership with him in his business. With this invitation he thought it ad-