Page:A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 9.djvu/393

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CUNNINGHAM, Alexander, fifth Earl of Glen- cairn

Keith's Hist.; Pinkerton's Scott. Poems; M'Crie'sKnox; Wood's Peerage; Sad- dler's State Papers 38

CUNNINGHAM, Alexander, Historian

Tytler's Kames; Edin. Mag. 1789, . . 39 CURRIE, James, M.D.

Life by his Son, 2 vols. 8vo, ... 40 DALGAENO, George

Napier's Supp. to Encyc. Brit., . . 44 DALBYMPLE, Alexander

Gent. Mag. 1802; Scots Mag. 1816, . 44 DALRYMPLE, (Sir) David (Lord Hailes)

Supp. to 4th ed. of Encyc. Brit.; Scots Mag. 1793 ; Edinburgh Mag. i. 167, 415 ;

G'ent. Mag. Ixii., 47

DALRYMPLE, James, Viscount Stair

Park's Ro. and Nob. Authors; Murray's Lit. Hist, of Galloway; Histories of the Period; Wood's Peerage, . . . B4 DALRYMPLE, John, second Earl of Stair

Wood's Peerage; Taleaof a Grandfather ;

Histories of the Period, ... 56 DALTELL, (Sir) Thomas

Playfair's Family Antiquities ; Family In- formation; Swift's Life of Crichton, . 58 DALZELL, Andrew, M.A.

Scots Mag. 1807; Gent. Mag. Ixxxvii., . 61 DAVID I., King of Scots

Histories of the Period, .... 62 DAVIDSON, John

Scots Worthies; Calderwood's History;

Wodrow's Lives, MS., . . .64


M'Kenzie's Lives ; M'Crie's Melville, SBC., 67 DEMPSTER, George

Edin. An. Register, 1818; Croker's Bos- well; Farmer's Mag., . . .69 DICK, (Sir) Alexander

Trans, of Ed. Roy. Soc. ii. ; Boswell's John- son and Tour to Hebrides, ... 73 DICK, (Rev.) John

Life prefixed to his Theological Lectures, 74 DICKSON, David

Authorities given in notes, ... 78 DOIG, David, LL.D.

Tytler's Kames ; Edin. Mag. 1801, 1802, 82 DONALDSON, John

ent. Mag. 1801; Scots Mag. 1802; Ed- wards's Supp. to Walpole's Anecdotes, 86 DONALDSON, Walter

Bayle's General Die., ... 87

POUGALL, John, 87

DOUGLAS, (Sir) Charles

Gent. Mag. ; Quarterly Review, xlii., . 88 DOUGLAS, Gavin

Biog. Brit,; Irving's Lives; Sibbald's Chronicle; Pinkerton's Anc. Scott. Poems; Henry's Hist, of Gr. Brit., . 90 DOUGLAS, (Sir) James

Barbout; Histories of the Period, . . 101 DOUGLAS, James, Earl of Morton

Histories of the Period ; Chalmers's Life of Queen Mary, 115


Authorities given in notes, . . .130 DOUGLAS, John

Authorities given in notes, . . .132 DOUGLAS, John, D.D., Bishop of Salisbury Life prefixed to his Works, folio; Aunual

Reg. 1807; Boswell's Johnson, . . 132 DOUGLAS, Robert

Wodrow's Ana. MS.; Histories of the

Peri <*, 134


Scots Mag. 1766, 1802; Gent. Mag. xxxvi. ;

Bower's Hist. Edin. Univ., . . .136 DEUMMOND, Robert Hay

Life prefixed to his Sermons; Forties's

Life of Beattie, 139

DRUMMOND, William, of Hawthornden

His Works, edited by Ruddiman; Drayton's Poems; Ben Johnson's Works, by Gif- ford ; Douglas's Baronage, . . 140

DHUMMOND, (Sir) William

An. Obit. 1829; Edin. Rev.; Works pamm, 154 DRYSDALE, John, D.D.

Trans, of Ed. Roy. Soc. iii. ; Scots Mag.

1793 157

DUNBAR, William

Pinkerton's Ancient Scottish Poems ; Lord

Treasurer's Books, Gen. Register House, 158 DUNCAN, Adam, Viscount Duncan

MS. from a Correspondent, . . .162 DUNCAN, Andrew, M.D., Senior

Family Information; An. Obit. 1829, . 169 DUNCAN, Andrew, M.D., Junior

Family Information, . , , 175

DUNCAN, William

Biog. Brit., 179

DUNDASSES of Arniston

Trans, of Edin. Roy. Soc. ii. ; Scots Mag.

1787, 1801 ; Wood's Peerage, . . 180 DUNDAS, (Sir) David

Public Characters,1803,1804; An.0bit.1823, 187 DUNDAS, Henry, Viscount Melville

Pub. Char. 1798, 1799; Boswell's Johnson; Tomline's Life of Pitt; Hist, of Reign of

George III., 189

DUNLOP, William

Christ. Inst. 1827; App. to Wodrow, 8vo edit., 203 DUNS, John de, Scotus

Life in Scots Mag. 1817, by Pinkerton;

Biog. Brit., 204


Scots Worthies; Wodrow's Ana. MS.j Baillie's Letters; Memoir prefixed to Durham on Scandal, Glas. 1740, . . 207 ELLIOT, George Augustus, (Lord Heathfield) Brydges's Ed. of Collins'a Peerage; Drink- water's Siege of Gibraltar; Chalmers's

Biog. Die., 210

ELLIOT Murray Kynnynmond, Gilbert, Earl of Minto Gent. Mag. 1814; Playfair's Peerage; MS.

notes by a friend of the Earl, . . 212 ELPHINSTONE, James

Nichols's Anecdotes; Boswell's Johnson; Forbes's Beattie, 214