Page:A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 9.djvu/397

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IKVINE, Christopher PAGE

Sibbald'a Bibliotheca Scot. MS. Adv. Lib.; Prefaces to his Publications; Acts of Scottish Parlia.; Family Information; Catalogue of Scots Writers, edited by Mr J. Maidment, . 137

JACK, Gilbert

Funeral Oration ; Freheri Theatrum Viro-

rum Eruditorum ; Works, . , . 139 JACK, Thomas

M'Crie's Life of Melville; Onomasticon

Poeticum, 191

JAMES I., King of Scots

Histories of the Period; Tytler's Lives of

Scot. Worthies, . , . 193


Histories of the Period, , . 205 JAMES V.

Histories of the Period, . . . .212 JAMES VI.

Life of James the First, Constable's Mis- cellany; Hist, of the Period; Pitcairn's Criminal Trials ; Edin. Lit. Journal, . 228 JAMF.SONE, George

Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting; Bee, xiv. ; Council Records of Aberdeen; Pennant's Tour in Scotland; Histories of Aberdeen; Survey of the City of Aberdeen by Philopoliteius ; Cunning- ham's Lives of Painters, . , . 242 JARDINB, George, A.M.

Family Information, . . . . 248 JOHNSTON, (Sir) Archibald, of Warriston

Authorities quoted iu notes, . . .252 JOHNSTON, (Dr) Arthur

Authorities quoted in notes, . , , 264 JOHNSTONE, James

Gent, and Month. Magazines, 1802; Dod-

dridge's Letters, p. 354, . . . 270 JOHNSTON, John

Authorities quoted in notes, . , 271


Authorities quoted in notes, . . . 274 JONES, Paul

Life of Paul Jones ; Private Information, 275 KAY, John

Family Information, . . . . 281 KEILL, James

Authorities quoted in notes, . . . 284 KEILL, John

Authorities quoted in notes, . . . 284 KEITH-ELPHINSTONE, George, Viscount Keith Wood's Peerage; Edin. Annual Reg. 1823;

An. Obit. 1824, 289

KEITH, George, fifth Earl Marischal

Authorities quoted in notes, and Histori- cal Works connected with Aberdeen, and the Universities of Scotland, . 293 KKITF, (the Hon.) James

MS. Memoir in possession of the Editor, 298 KEITH, Robert

Preface to Russell's edition of hia Cata- logue, 305




Mackenzie's Lives; Crawford's Officers of

State; Histories of the Period, . . 807 KEB, John, Duke of Roxburghe

Wood's Peerage; Quarterly Review, xliv Dibdm's Bibliographical Decameron j Nichols's Preface to the Roxburghe Catalogue, .... 809

KEB, Robert, Earl of Ancrum

^PQle'^Roy.^and Nob. Authors, by Park ;



. 825

Private Information, KifiKALDY, William

Chalmers's Life of Queen Mary; Me- moir by Mr Graham Dalyell, . . 318 KIBKWOOD, James

Watt's Bibliotheca; Sibbald's Bib. Scot.

MS. Adv. Lib.; Chalmers's Ruddiman 325 KNOX, John

Life by M'Crie, . . . LAING, Alexander Gordon

Composed chiefly from Family Information by the late Rev. William Craig, Dalkeith, brother-in-law to Major Laing, . . 336 LAING, Malcolm

Ed. An. Reg. 1818; Biographic dea Con-

temporains; Fox's Letters, . . . 845 LAUDEB, (Sir) John, Lord Feuntainhall

Authorities quoted in notes; Family In- formation, ...... 349

LAUDEB, William

Authorities quoted in notes, . .. . 356

LAW, John

Life by J. P. Wood, . . .561 LEIGHTON, Robert

Life by Murray; Life by Pearson; Bur- net's History of his Own Times ; Bower's Hist, of the Univ. of Edin., . . .376 LEITH, (Sir) James

Histories of Peninsular War; Family In- formation, ...... 388

LESLIE, Alexander, Earl of Leveu

Histories of the Period ; Wood's Peerage, 396 LESLIE, David, Lord Newark

Histories of the Period ; Wood's Peerage, 403 LESLEY, George

Life by Lord Hailes; Scots Mag. 1802;

other authorities quoted in notes, . 40.7 LESLIE, John, Bishop of Clogher, and his son Charles

Chalmers's Biog. Die. ; Memoir of Charles Leslie, prefixed to late Oxford edition of

his Works, 411

LESLIE, John, Bishop of Ross

Mackenzie's Lives; Histories of the Period; Chalmers's Biog. Die. ; Bann. Club edi- tion of his " Historic," . . 413 LESLIE, (Sir) John

Family Information; Report of the Case of Mr Leslie; Obit. Notices in Caledonian Mercury, and Edin. Courant, . . 416 LEYDEN, John

Life, by Scott, in Edin. An. Reg. 1811 ; Life to his prefixed Poems, . 426

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