Page:A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 9.djvu/402

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BABTON, Andrew

Buchanan's and Tytler's Hists. of Scotland, 35




BJILL (Sir) Charles

Penny Cyclopedia, . . ...nv: BELL, James

Private Information, . BIBNIK, (Sir) Richard

Gent. Mag., ..... BLANE, (Sir) Gilbert, M.D.

Penny Cyclopedia, . . . . BURNES, (Sir) Alexander

Burnes' Travels in Bokhara; Histories of

India; Obituaries, . . . .?- -fll BUKNET, James

Cunningham's Lives of Eminent Painters, 57

BURNS, Allan

Annual Register, . . . . .59

BURNS, John, M.D.

Family Information, .... 60

CALDER, (Sir) Robert, Bart.

James's Naval Hist.; Naval Hist, and Biog. of Great Britain ; Alison's Hist, of Europe, . . ..... 62

CAMERON, Donald, of Lochiel

Smibert's Clans of the Highlands of Scot- land; Browne's Hist, of the Highlands ; Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron, pub. by Abbotsford Club, ..... 68

CAMPBELL, (Sir) Archibald, Bart., G.C.B., &c. Annual Register, ..... 74

CAMPBELL, (Rev.) John

Dr Gardener's Memoirs of Eminent Mis- sionaries, . . . . . .76


Dr Beattie's Life of Campbell, . . 81 CHALMERS, Alexander, M.A., F.S.A.

Geut. Mag ........ 95

CHALMERS, (Rev.) Thomas, D.D.

Hanna's Life of Dr. Chalmers ; Oral com-

munications; Personal Recollections, . 98 COCHRANE, (Sir) Alexander Forrester Inglis, G.C.B. Marshall's Naval Biog,, .. . . .145

COMBE, Andrew, M.D.

Life by George Combe, W.S., . . .148 COOK, (Rev.) George, D.D.

Fifeshire Journal, ..... 154


Hog's Reminiscences; An. Obit.; Gent. Mag.; Frazer's Mag., . . . .155

DALE, David

Authority stated iu note, . . .161 DALYELL, (Sir) John Graham, Bart.

Gent. Mag., ...... 177

DOUGLAS, Archibald (Bell-the-Cat)

Hume of Godscroft; Ty tier's History of

Scotland; Scottish Histories, . . 179 DOUGLAS, David

Taunton Courier; Penny Cyclopedia, . 185 DOUGLAS, James, Earl of Douglas

Hume of Godscroft ; Scottish Histories, 187



DOUGLAS, William (Knight of Liddesdale) Hume of Godscroft; Tytler's Hist, of Scot- land; Sir W. Scott's Historical Notices, 191 DOUGLAS, (Sir) William

Fordun; Buchanan, .... 197 DRUMMOND, (Captain) Thomas

Life of, and article on Drummond Light, in

Penny Cyclopedia, .... 199 DUNCAN (Rev.) Henry, D.D.

Life by Rev. George Duncan, . . 201


Annual Register, . . . . .211 DUNCAN, Thomas, R.S.A., A R.A.

Gent. Mag. ; Art Union Journal, . . 212 FOBDYCE, (Colonel) John

Family Information; Personal Recollections, 214 GALLOWAY, (Sir) Arcliibald, K.C.B.

Gent. Mag 218

GALT, John

Gait's Autobiog. and Reminiscences, . 219 GARDNER, George

Family Information; Personal Recollections, 228 GEIKIE, Walter

Life, prefixed to his Sketches, by Sir Thos.

DickLauder, 232


Life, prefixed to his Poems, by W. Ander- son, 234

GILLESPIE, (Rev.) Thomas, D.D.

An. Reg.; Edin. Courant; Personal Recol- lections, . , 236

GILLIES, John, LL.D., F.R.S., F.A.S.

An. Obit.; Penny Cyclopedia ; An. Reg., 237 GORDON, (Rev.) Robert, D.D.

Free Church Mag. ; Personal Recollections, 239 GRAHAM, Thomas, Lord Lynedoch

Military Hist, and Biog. of Great Britain;

Gent. Mag. ; Alison's Hist, of Europe, 245 GRANT, Mrs., of Laggan

Edin. Courant, 252

GRANT, (Sir) William

An. Obit., 255

HALDANE, James Alexander

Memoirs of Robert and James Haldane, by

Alexander Haldane, Esq., . . .257 HALDANE, Robert

Do. do. . , . . 266

HALL, (Captain) Basil

Penny Cyclopedia ; Rose's Biog. Die. ; Cap- tain Hall's published Works, . . 279 HENDERSON, Thomas

Penny Cyclopedia; An. Reg., . . . 286 HEPBURNE, James, Earl of Bothwell

Calderwood's History, Wodrow edition; Tytler's Hist, of Scotland; Mignet's Hist of Queen Mary; Scottish Histories, 289 HERIOT, John

Popular Encyclopedia ; Gent. Mag., . 297 HEUGH, (Rev.) Hugh, D.D.

Life by the Rev. H. M. Macgili, . . 299 HOGG, James

Hogg's Autobiographies; Obituaries; Lock- hart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, . . 802 HORSBURGH, James

Asiatic Journal, . .... 816