Page:A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 9.djvu/419

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THE SCOTTISH BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY was originally printed in four volumes, and completed in the year 1834, as will be seen from the Editor's Preface, which is subjoined. A New Edition, including memorials of the many eminent individuals deceased since that date, having been called for, the Publishers, besides reprinting from stereotype the four volumes of which the Work was primarily composed, have added a fifth volume, including the later lives adverted to, under the editorship of the Rev. Thomas Thomson, author of the " History of Scotland for the use of Schools," &e.

The stereotypes of the original Work have been revised under the inspection of the Publishers. The alterations required to be made consisted chiefly in bringing references to passing events, and individuals living when the Work was written, into chrono- logical harmony with the more advanced period of time in which it now appears; the emendation of several verbal inaccuracies; the correction of some erroneous statements ; and the interfusion of the original Supplement. In executing this latter part of the revision, it has been found needful, in a few cases to retrench, in others to amplify, individual lives ; two or three biographies have likewise been wholly re-written; one additional memoir added that of St. Aidan ; and seven, of persons who appeared to

have insufficient claims, have been suppressed. In Mr. Thomson's
