Page:A biographical dictionary of modern rationalists.djvu/265

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he was President of the American Chemical Society, and he has written a number of valuable chemical works. In an article on <f Evil Spirits " in the Popular Science Monthly (July, 1893) Prof. Long severely criticizes all the Churches and warmly applauds the work of the early Eationalists.

LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth,

American poet. B. Feb. 27, 1807. Ed. Bowdoin College. In 1823 he was appointed professor of modern languages at Bowdoin, but he was sent to Europe for three years (1826-29) to complete his studies. He had begun to write verse at the age of thirteen, but a volume of these poems (published in 1826) and a book of travel (Outre-Mer, 1834) had little success. In 1836 he became Smith professor of modern lan guages at Harvard University, and in the same year his Psalm of Life gave proof of his poetic power. Evangeline (1847) and The Song of Hiawatha (1855) placed him permanently in the front rank of American poets. He resigned his chair at Harvard in 1854. W. D. Howells, who was intimate with Longfellow in his later years, says : " I think that as he grew older his hold upon anything like a creed weakened, though he remained of the Unitarian philosophy concerning Christ [sic /] . He did not latterly go to church" (Literary Friends and Acquaintance, 1901, p. 202). It is hardly necessary to add that the " Unitarian philosophy concerning Christ " is the one Eationalist element of that body. D. Mar. 24, 1882.

LORAND, Louis Georges Auguste,

Belgian lawyer and journalist. B. 1860. Ed. Bologna University. Lorand was trained in law, but he quickly adopted advanced Eationalist ideas, and entered with great spirit into the enlightenment of Belgium. He edited La Reforme, a strongly anti-clerical Brussels daily, and wrote many pamphlets. He worked also in the Pacifist movement. D. 1918.

LOR I A, Professor Achille, Italian


economist. B. Mar. 2, 1857. He was a professor at, in succession, Siena (1881-91) and Padua (1891-1902). Since 1902 he has been professor of political economy at Turin University, and he is a distinguished member of the Accademia dei Lincei, the Eoyal Economic Society, the Sociological Society, and the International Institute of Sociology. His Analisi della proprietd capitalistica (1889) won the Eoyal Prize of the Accademia dei Lincei (10,000 lire). Loria is a Positivist of the Ardigo school, and has no place for religion.

LOT I, Pierre, French novelist. B. Jan. 14, 1850. " Pierre Loti " is the adopted name of Louis Marie Julien Viaud. He entered the French navy in 1867, and attained the rank of lieutenant before he resigned in 1898. His voyages over the world with the fleet gave him material for his brilliant novels, the first of which, Aziyade, appeared in 1879. Earahu fol lowed in the next year, and established his reputation. He was admitted to the Academy in 1891. Loti is an artist in sentiment, not a scholar ; but his Eation- alism appears in all his work, and especially in his Livre de la pitie et de la mort (1891) and Figures et choses qui passent (1897).

LOTZE, Professor Rudolf Hermann,

German philosopher. B. May 21, 1817. Ed. Leipzig University. In 1842 he was appointed extraordinary professor of philo sophy at Leipzig, and in 1844 ordinary professor at Gottingen. In 1881 he passed to Berlin University. Lotze, who had been educated in medicine and wrote on that science as well as on philosophy, had an extraordinary influence in Europe, as he tried to reconcile the mechanism of science with a liberal natural religion. In his works (chiefly Mikrocosmos, 3 vols., 1856- 64, and System der Philosophic, 2 vols., 1874-79) he is anti-Vitalist yet anti- Materialist, metaphysical yet emotional and ethical. He admits God as the Abso lute, but declares it an insoluble mystery 458