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  1. Aachen Cathedral, 230.
  2. Allées couvertes, 124–125.
  3. Alversleben family, 216.
  4. Ancestor worship, 184.
  5. Andernach, baker boys of, 12.
  6. Ankou, 66–67.
  7. Arabian Nights, 57, 196.
  8. Arthur, King, 191.
  9. Aryan stock, and myths, 19, 41, 48, 57, 72, 119, 126, 159, 164, 234, 236.
  10. Attacotti, 62, 64, 235.
  11. Baby’s first visit, 235.
  12. Baden custom of inheritance, 246.
  13. Ballyrawney, 13.
  14. Bee, soul takes form of, 36–37.
  15. Bee— — —, sacred insect, 14, 15.
  16. Bee— — — study, 11–15.
  17. Berserks, 207.
  18. Bettiscombe skull, 188–189.
  19. Björn and Bera, 60–61.
  20. Blindfolding a corpse, 141.
  21. Bödvar Bjarki, 49.
  22. Bogies, 85–86.
  23. Bond between living and dead, 133–134.
  24. Boy baptized before a girl, 235.
  25. Brân the Blessed, 191, 194–195.
  26. Bremen, 119.
  27. Brendan the Voyager, 11.
  28. Bride capture, 257–258.
  29. Bridge-building for souls, 151–152.
  30. Bridge of Souls, 151–152.
  31. Brig of Dread, 87.
  32. Broadwood widges, 78–79.
  33. Brownies, 198–214, 223, 246–248.
  34. Buddha, 43.
  35. Bug, 85.
  36. Burton Agnes skull, 193–194.
  37. Cairbre, 195–196.
  38. Cairn fires, 31.
  39. Candle in loaf of bread, 30.
  40. Candles cast to a dead man, 142.
  41. Cannibalism, 62–63.
  42. Canwyll Gorph, 21.
  43. Carnal interment, 122–141, 145.
  44. Chalybii, 210–213.
  45. Changelings, 246–249.
  46. Chapel-en-le-Frith skull, 190.
  47. Chilton Cantelo skull, 199.
  48. Church pigs, lambs, dogs, etc., 117–120.
  49. Classenwell pool, 117.
  50. Coach, Death, 66–68, 70.
  51. Coins under foundations, 117.
  52. Companions, dark and light, 165–166.
  53. Corn man, 93–99, 121.
  54. Cornwall, sacrifices in, 90.
  55. Corpse candles, 21–29.
  56. Counting-out rhymes, 104–113.
  57. Couvade, 239–242.
  58. Crying a neck, 94–96.
  59. Dead, cult of, 126.
  60. Dead— — —, suspended life of, 126–144.
  61. Dead— — —, land of the, 66–67.
  62. Death coach, 66–68, 70.
  63. Death— — —, Goddess of, 65–71.