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to lead men out of darkness into light. With him came Kemoc, and Kemoc made his home on Inis Glora.

At dawn one morning, the four swans were roused by the tinkle of a little bell. It was so far away that it rang faintly, but it was like no sound they had ever known, and the three brothers were filled with fear and flew hither and thither, trying to discover from whence the strange sound came. But when they returned to Finola, they found her floating at peace on the water.

"Dost not know what sound it is?" she asked, divining their thoughts.

"We heard a faint, fearful voice," they said, "but we know not what it is."

Then said Finola: "It is the voice of the Christian bell. Soon, now, shall our suffering be ended, for such is the will of God."

So very happily and peacefully they listened to the ringing of the bell, until Kemoc had said matins. Then said Finola: "Let us now sing our music," and they praised the Lord of heaven and earth.

And when the wonderful melody of their song reached the ears of Kemoc, he knew that none but the children of Lîr could make such magic-sweet melody. So he hastened to where they were, and when he asked them if they were indeed the children of Lîr, for whose sake he had come to Inis Glora, they told him all their piteous tale.

Then said Kemoc, "Come then to land, and put your trust in me, for on this island shall your enchantment come to an end." And when most gladly they came, he caused a cunning workman to fashion two slender silver