Page:A book of nursery songs and rhymes (1895).pdf/146

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Rain, rain, go to Spain!
And when we want you, come again.


What care I how black I be?
Twenty pounds will marry me.
If twenty won't, then forty shall,
I am my mammy's bouncing gall.


A dollar, a dollar,
A ten o'clock scholar.
What makes you come so soon?
You used to come at ten o'clock,
And now you are come at noon.


Goosie, goosie gander,
Whither do you wander?
Upstairs, downstairs, in my lady's chamber.
With a quack, quack, quack.
Call for a cup of sack
And a little sugar and ginger.


There was an old woman lived under a hill,
She put a mouse into a bag and sent it to the mill.
The miller he swore by the point of his knife,
He never took toll of a mouse in his life.